ושבו בנים לגבולם...

Monday, March 13, 2006

??ליהודים היתה אורה ושמחה

Purim, the holiday that devides the people to the ones who love purim, and the others who get rash only by hearing the word. Usually the children are the ones who love purim, while the grown ups are,let's say ,having a difficult time. One thing I learned this year at least, that sometimes (if not most of the times) parents are shy to begin and disguise, so they take their little children and dress them with those strange disguisements. That's why some children sometimes don't like purim either.

On the other hand some of the children get really into their costumes like my son for example, he almost lost his voice after he roared the entire day...

Purim Sameach to you all !

Monday, February 20, 2006

I'm Back...for the moment

As you surely noticed, I'm not such a good blogger. I know, but I'm still trying to. As I promised, this blog is ment to be the place were I'll put some info on our little family (and pictures of course).
One of the main reasons I'm not updating this blog frequently, is due to the fact I began my new studies this year (I know you all know about that,...) and I'm working very hard.
The kids are very cute b"h. Achiya begins to learn about פרשת השבוע and Tsofiya is also in a sort of "creche". To tell you the truth they are the real reason I'm writing those lines, as an excuse to add their pictures.
Kol tuv,

p.s.: You noticed the google ads on my blog, after I heard someone earned 14,000$ from those ads. Maybe it's time to give it a try. So feel free to click on them... :)

And here are the pics:

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Shabbes Yerushalyim

Shavua Tov! We had the honor to have very important guests this shabbath. Ruti & Tal and Shira were at our modest apartment and we surely enjoyed their company. As you know this shabbath is very important (a little exaggeration,...) especially here in Israel but around the globe as well. Every year on shabbath toldot Bnei-Akiva is celebrating shabbath ha'irgun (I know I'm almost 27 years old,..don't worry I didn't forget). I'm mentioning it because this year in Israel, the subject of the chodesh irgun (the month all the youth are concentrating on one subject in all of their activities) was "continuing the spirit of gush katif",not only in the "political" way,but especially in the idealistic "way of thinking". Especially educating the youth to be involved with all what happens around them. One of the phrases that have been used by all of us during those difficult times was "עם הנצח לא מפחד מדרך ארוכה" . That's one of the reasons the new shevet's name is "נצח".
Understanding the importance of keeping this blog popular a little longer I'll have to add some pictures, to keep everybody satisfied.
Achiya celebrated his birthday last Sunday, here are some pictures of this "joyous" event.

p.s.: Still trying to figure out how to add short movies to a blog, any ideas? Feel free to comment...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

שהחיינו וקיימנו והגיענו לזמן הזה

Ok, I've done it,I've to admit it took me some time, but after I got some inspiration from my dear uncle Jehuda and his two blogs (No idea who I'm talking about? Go check, my cousin's Bar Mitsvah blog, or Jehuda's Scrapbook) I decided I'll give it a try. But first I'll have to be clear on 2 points.

  1. I've no pretension of being some poet... My English will be at a low level, but I don't care too much, I hope you'll be ok with that.
  2. If you'll be interested in this blog, be prepared, I'm only trying this cool thing out, I've no intention to publish some new post every day...So patience will be the keyword here.
The main goal of this blog will be the publishing of photos we took of our little family, because many members of our extended family are spread throughout the globe, I thought it'll be cool to put once in a while some pictures and funny anecdotes of our little family on the web.

Hope you'll enjoy,I hope I will too.

The first pics are a little test, just to check this feature out.

That's me over there with Achiya (like the people who read this won't recognize us,...)

And this is not an Anne Geddes picture, but our lovely daughter, Tsofiya. (I know, I'm a very objective father,...)